Results for 'S. A. Selby'

983 found
  1.  39
    Filmguide to "The General"Filmguide to "La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc"Filmguide to "The Rules of the Game"Filmguide to "The Grapes of Wrath"Filmguide to "Henry V"Filmguide to "Psycho"Filmguide to "The Battle of Algiers"Filmguide to "2001: A Space Odyssey".S. A. Selby, E. Rubinstein, David Bordwell, Gerald Mast, Warren French, Harry M. Geduld, James Naremore, Joan Mellen & Carolyn Geduld - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 9 (2):123.
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  2. Treatise of Human Nature.L. A. Selby-Bigge (ed.) - 1739 - Oxford University Press.
    David Hume's Treatise of Human Nature, composed before the author was twenty-eight years old, was published in 1739 and 1740. In revising the late L.A. Selby-Bigge's edition of Hume's Treatise Professor Nidditch corrected verbal errors and took account of Hume's manuscript amendments. He also supplied the text of theof the Treatise following the original 1740 edition and provided an apparatus of variant readings.
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  3.  88
    Enquiries Concerning Human Understanding and Concerning the Principles of Morals.L. A. Selby-Bigge (ed.) - 1975 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    David Hume's Treatise of Human Nature, was composed before the author was twenty-six years old, was published in 1739 and 1740. Its importance was not generally recognised at the time. Hume, attributing the failure of his Treatise to the manner of its writing rather than the matter is contained, cast the first part of that work anew in the Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, and afterwards continued the same process in the second work contained in this volume, the Enquiry concerning the (...)
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  4.  10
    Tocqueville, Jansenism, and the necessity of the political in a democratic age: building a republic for the moderns.David A. Selby - 2015 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    Engaging, interdisciplinary work exploring the influence of the Jansenist tradition on Alexis de Tocqueville's life and works. The most comprehensive treatment of the subject to date.
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    “Muslimness” and multiplicity in qualitative research and in government reports in Canada.Jennifer A. Selby - 2016 - Critical Research on Religion 4 (1):72-89.
    With reference to a qualitative study on everyday religiosity among Muslims in St. John's, Canada, this paper examines trends in academic sources and public policy on Islam that over-privilege the most committed practitioners, thereby narrowly depicting “Muslimness.” I situate this overemphasis by reflecting on what Mamdani calls “culture talk,” an essentializing discourse heightened in the post-9/11 west. Interview data, along with a trend in social scientific research on Muslims that emphasize the most pious and the outcomes following the Ontario “Boyd (...)
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  6.  89
    British Moralists: Being Selections from Writers Principally of the Eighteenth Century.L. A. Selby-Bigge.J. S. Mackenzie - 1897 - International Journal of Ethics 8 (1):121-122.
  7.  39
    Higher-Order Interference in Extensions of Quantum Theory.Ciarán M. Lee & John H. Selby - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (1):89-112.
    Quantum interference, manifest in the two slit experiment, lies at the heart of several quantum computational speed-ups and provides a striking example of a quantum phenomenon with no classical counterpart. An intriguing feature of quantum interference arises in a variant of the standard two slit experiment, in which there are three, rather than two, slits. The interference pattern in this set-up can be written in terms of the two and one slit patterns obtained by blocking one, or more, of the (...)
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  8.  35
    Oracles and Query Lower Bounds in Generalised Probabilistic Theories.Howard Barnum, Ciarán M. Lee & John H. Selby - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (8):954-981.
    We investigate the connection between interference and computational power within the operationally defined framework of generalised probabilistic theories. To compare the computational abilities of different theories within this framework we show that any theory satisfying four natural physical principles possess a well-defined oracle model. Indeed, we prove a subroutine theorem for oracles in such theories which is a necessary condition for the oracle model to be well-defined. The four principles are: causality, purification, strong symmetry, and informationally consistent composition. Sorkin has (...)
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  9.  62
    A Guide to Parallel Paragraph and Page References in Oxford University Press Editions of Hume's Treatise and Abstract.Mary Norton - 2002 - Hume Studies 28 (2):319-325.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 28, Number 2, November 2002, pp. 319-325 A Guide to Parallel Paragraph and Page References in Oxford University Press Editions of Hume's Treatise and Abstract This guide enables readers to locate in the Oxford Philosophical Texts (OPT) edition of Hume's Treatise those book, part, section, and paragraph numbers (the universal references) that correspond to the page numbers of the edition of this work that has in (...)
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  10. Enquiries concerning Human Understanding and concerning the Principles of Morals.David Hume, L. A. Selby-Bigge & P. H. Nidditch - 1976 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 166 (2):265-266.
  11.  10
    Bhāratasya Bauddhikātmanirbharatāyāṃ Saṃskr̥taśāstrāṇāṃ bhūmikā: Rāṣṭriyaparisaṃvāde prastutānāṃ śodhalekhānāṃ saṅgrahaḥ.Jānakīśaraṇa Ācārya, Lalita Paṭela & Kārtika Paṇḍyā (eds.) - 2022 - Gāndhīnagaram: Saṃskr̥ta-Sāhitya-Akādamī.
    Contributed research papers presented at National Seminar jointly organized by Somanth Sanskrit University, Veraval and Sanskrit Sahitya Akadami at Gandhinagar on February 21-22, 2022.
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  12.  84
    Caesar, B. G. IV. Edited by Clement Bryans, M.A. 1 s. 6 d.S. A. - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (08):233-234.
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  13.  89
    (1 other version)Religion and Hume’s Legacy. [REVIEW]J. C. A. Gaskin - 2001 - Hume Studies 27 (2):345-348.
    Collections of essays and conference papers are always liable to two defects. One is that the essays are not all of the same quality. The other is that the collection is ad hoc with no structural unity or organized purpose. The present collection—arising from the 1997 Claremont conference on the philosophy of religion—almost unavoidably exemplifies the first defect. I myself would pick out the contributions of Simon Blackburn, D. Z. Phillips R. W. Beardsmore, Jane McIntyre, Antony Flew, and Peter Jones (...)
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  14. Collection, storage and use of blood samples for future research: views of Egyptian patients expressed in a cross-sectional survey.A. Abou-Zeid, H. Silverman, M. Shehata, M. Shams, M. Elshabrawy, T. Hifnawy, S. A. Rahman, B. Galal, H. Sleem, N. Mikhail & N. Moharram - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (9):539-547.
    Objective To determine the attitudes of Egyptian patients regarding their participation in research and with the collection, storage and future use of blood samples for research purposes. Design Cross-sectional survey. Study population Adult Egyptian patients (n=600) at rural and urban hospitals and clinics. Results Less than half of the study population (44.3%) felt that informed consent forms should provide research participants the option to have their blood samples stored for future research. Of these participants, 39.9% thought that consent forms should (...)
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  15. Mit csinál a kommentár a szöveggel?Tamás Ábel - 2017 - In Ernő Kulcsár Szabó & Gábor Tolcsvai Nagy, Megértés és megértetés: a magyarázat a bölcsészettudományokban. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó.
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  16. Adi-Japha, E., 1 Ahn, W.-K., B35 Amsterlaw, JA, B35 Arnold, JE, B13.R. N. Aslin, P. Barrouillet, P. Bloom, S. A. Gelman, T. JaČrvinen, P. N. Johnson-Laird, C. L. Krumhansl, J. F. Leca, M. J. Spivey & K. Sullivan - 2000 - Cognition 76:297.
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  17. Sarvadarśana-samanvayaḥ: "Śārada-vyākhyāna-mālāyāṃ".Gopāla Śāstri - 1981 - Naīdillī: Śrīlālabahāduraśāstrī-Kendrīya-Saṃskr̥ta-Vidyāpīṭham.
    On philosophy; transcript of the 1978-1979 Śāradā-vyākhyāna-mālā lecture, under the auspices of Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Vidyapeeth, New Delhi.
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  18.  8
    An Enquiry Concerning the Human Understanding: And An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals.David Hume & L. A. Selby-Bigge - 1894 - Oxford,: Clarendon press. Edited by Lewis Amherst Selby-Bigge.
  19. Śāṅkara Vedāntamāṃ Avidyāvicāra.Nagīna Jī Śāha - 2001 - Amadāvāda: Prāptisthāna Sarasvatī Pustaka Bhaṇḍāra.
    Concept of Avidyā in the Vedānta philosophy of Śaṅkarācārya; a study.
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  20.  9
    Existence, experience, and ethics: essays for S.A. Shaida.S. A. Shaida & A. Raghuramaraju (eds.) - 2000 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    Festschrift in honor of S.A. Shaida; contributed research papers.
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  21.  19
    Damping caused by fatigue in porous 316L steel.I. K. Arhipov, I. S. Golovin & S. A. Golovin - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (16):2399-2406.
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    Damping caused by microplasticity in porous 316L steels.I. K. Arhipov, I. S. Golovin *, S. A. Golovin & H. -R. Sinning - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (14):1557-1574.
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  23.  24
    Localising value chains and food system resilience : A systematic exploration.J. D. Bakker, G. Beekman, C. B. Steenhuijsen Piters, H. Pamuk & S. A. Wigboldus - unknown
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  24.  17
    Treatise of Human Nature and Enquiries Concerning Human Understanding & Concerning the Principles of Morals.David Hume, L. A. Selby-Bigge, P. H. Nidditch & Geoffrey Sayre-McCord - 1991
  25. Aristē politeia: o politikos stochasmos stēn archaia Ellada.Iōannēs-Theophanēs A. Papadēmētriou (ed.) - 1980 - Athēna: I.T.A. Papadēmētriou.
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  26.  10
    Ho Hieremias Bentham kai hē Hellēnikē Epanastasē.Kōnstantinos A. Papageōrgiou, Philēmōn Paionidēs, Andreas Ch Takēs & Giannēs A. Tasopoulos (eds.) - 2012 - Athēna: Hidryma tēs Voulēs tōn Hellēnōn gia ton Koinovouleutismo kai tē Dēmokratia.
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  27. Rat︠s︡ionalisticheskai︠a︡ tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡ i sovremennostʹ.M. T. Stepani︠a︡nt︠s︡ (ed.) - 1988 - Moskva: "Nauka," Glav. red. vostochnoĭ lit-ry.
    v. 1. Indii︠a︡ -- v. 2. Blizhniĭ i Sredniĭ Vostok -- v. 3. Kitaĭ.
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  28.  14
    Maharshi Patañjalikr̥ta Yogasūtra: Maharshi-Vyāsakr̥ta-Yogasūtrabhāshya aura Ācārya Rajanīśa ke vicāroṃ ke āloka meṃ.Jñāna Prakāśa Śāstrī - 2016 - Dillī: Parimala Pablikeśansa. Edited by Patañjali, Vyāsa & Īśvara Siṃha Bhāradvaja.
    Study of Yogasūtra of Patañjali with Yogabhāṣya of Vyāsa and philosophy of Osho on Yoga philosophy.
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  29. Ideals as Interests in Hobbes's Leviathan: The Power of Mind Over Matter.S. A. Lloyd - 1992 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    S. A. Lloyd proposes a radically new interpretation of Hobbes's Leviathan that shows transcendent interests - interests that override the fear of death - to be crucial to both Hobbes's analysis of social disorder and his proposed remedy to it. Most previous commentators in the analytic philosophical tradition have argued that Hobbes thought that credible threats of physical force could be sufficient to deter people from political insurrection. Professor Lloyd convincingly shows that because Hobbes took the transcendence of religious and (...)
  30.  67
    How physicians face ethical difficulties: a qualitative analysis.S. A. Hurst - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (1):7-14.
    Next SectionBackground: Physicians face ethical difficulties daily, yet they seek ethics consultation infrequently. To date, no systematic data have been collected on the strategies they use to resolve such difficulties when they do so without the help of ethics consultation. Thus, our understanding of ethical decision making in day to day medical practice is poor. We report findings from the qualitative analysis of 310 ethically difficult situations described to us by physicians who encountered them in their practice. When facing such (...)
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  31.  1
    How to make home happy. An essay. By A.S.A.Y.S. A. Y. A. & How - 1887
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  32.  13
    Une philosophie de la parole: l'Enquête sur la connaissance verbale (Śābdanirṇaya) de Prakāśātman, maître Advaitin du Xe siècle: (édition critique, traduction, commentaire, avec une nouvelle édition du commentaire d'Anandabodha). Prakāśātma - 2020 - Paris: École française d'Extrême-Orient. Edited by Hugo David & Prakāśātma.
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  33. Ṣaḍdarśanasūtrasaṅgrahaḥ: ṣaṇṇāṃ darśanānāṃ prāmāṇikaḥ sūtrapāṭhaḥ :Mīmāṃsā-Vedānta-Sāṅkhya-Yoga-Nyāya-Vaiśeṣikāṇām.Dharmakīrtti Śāstrī & Candrakīrtti Śāstri (eds.) - 1999 - Vārāṇasī: Bauddhabhāratī.
    Collection of fundamentals text of the six systems of Hindi philosophy.
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  34.  33
    “It’s Just Another Added Benefit”: Women’s Experiences with Employment-Based Egg Freezing Programs.S. A. Miner, W. K. Miller, C. Grady & B. E. Berkman - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (1):41-52.
    Background: In 2014, companies began covering the costs of egg freezing for their employees. The adoption of this benefit was highly contentious. Some argued that it offered women more reproductive...
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  35. Sayyidatī al-raʼīs: ḥiwār bayna al-muṭawwiʻah Ṣāliḥah wa-Nūrah bint al-jīrān.ʻAbd al-Hādī ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd Ṣāliḥ - 1999 - al-Kuwayt: ʻʻḤ. al-Ṣāliḥ.
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  36.  89
    Ethical difficulties in clinical practice: experiences of European doctors.S. A. Hurst, A. Perrier, R. Pegoraro, S. Reiter-Theil, R. Forde, A.-M. Slowther, E. Garrett-Mayer & M. Danis - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (1):51-57.
    Background: Ethics support services are growing in Europe to help doctors in dealing with ethical difficulties. Currently, insufficient attention has been focused on the experiences of doctors who have faced ethical difficulties in these countries to provide an evidence base for the development of these services.Methods: A survey instrument was adapted to explore the types of ethical dilemma faced by European doctors, how they ranked the difficulty of these dilemmas, their satisfaction with the resolution of a recent ethically difficult case (...)
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  37.  27
    A Hobbesian Method for Establishing the Absurdity of Injustice Without Reliance on Hobbes’s Temporal Arguments.S. A. Lloyd - 2023 - Hobbes Studies 36 (2):141-155.
    The paper investigates Hobbes’s arguments that injustice is a kind of absurdity involving a “contradiction properly so called,” concluding that although those arguments are undermined by their reliance on a mistaken temporality assumption, Hobbes’s philosophy provides other means for establishing his desired conclusion.
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  38.  15
    A.P. Martinich, Hobbes’s Political Philosophy: Interpretation and Interpretations.S. A. Lloyd - 2022 - Hobbes Studies 35 (2):212-218.
  39. A Study in Behaviour.S. A. Barnett - 1966 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 22 (2):217-217.
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  40.  11
    Śabdavimarśa.Śāradā Caturvedī - 2006 - Vārāṇasī: Sampūrṇānanda Saṃskr̥ta Viśvavidyālaya.
    Exhaustive study on verbal epistemology in philosophy and Sanskrit grammar.
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  41.  9
    Yogavāśiṣṭhaḥ: Mahārāmāyaṇam: Hindībhāṣānuvādasahitaḥ vistr̥taviṣayānukramaṇikā-samīkṣātmakabhūmikā-ślokānukramaṇīyutaśca.Kr̥ṣṇapanta Śāstri, Mūlaśaṅkara Śāstrī & Madan Mohan Agrawal (eds.) - 2011 - Naī Dillī: Anya prāti sthāna, Caukhambā Pabliśiṅga Hāūsa.
    Classical verse work, expounding the early Vedantic approach in Hindu philosophy; Sanskrit text with Hindi translation and exhaustive introduction.
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  42.  16
    The State of Nature as a Continuum Concept.S. A. Lloyd - 2021 - In Marcus P. Adams, A Companion to Hobbes. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 156–170.
    This chapter suggests that the state of nature is a continuum notion that lies in a segment along a larger continuum of the scope of private judgment, as does the continuum notion of civil authority. Jean Hampton saw Thomas Hobbes's state of nature as a “presocietal” condition of “isolated asocial individuals,” “stripped of their social connections.” There is plentiful evidence against Hampton's interpretation of the state of nature as an “asocial” condition in Hobbes's insistence across all his political writings that (...)
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  43.  55
    A note on Berkeley's conception of the mind.S. A. Grave - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 22 (4):574-576.
  44.  9
    Awhām al-fihm: muṣṭalaḥāt wa-mafāhīm fī dāʼirat al-naqd wa-al-taqwīm: taʼmmulāt taḥlīlīyah li-binyat al-thaqāfah al-ʻArabīyah al-muʻāṣirah.ʻIṣmat Naṣṣār - 2011 - al-Qāhirah: Rawāfid lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  45.  7
    Moralʹnai︠a︡ otvetstvennostʹ uchenogo i obshchestvenno-istoricheskiĭ prot︠s︡ess.Sichivit ︠s︡a & M. O. - 2003 - Donet︠s︡k: I︠U︠go-Vostok.
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  46. Blaise Pascal: das Heil im Widerspruch. [REVIEW]V. S. A. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (1):147-148.
    Pascal’s protean genius beggars description. Though most widely known today for his apologetic and/or polemical work in Christian theology, he was also a philosopher of enduring importance, a noted mathematician, and a physicist who undertook important experiments in support of Toricelli’s claim that nature exhibits no horror vacui. On a more practical level, he invented, patented and massproduced a calculator, helped establish public transit in Paris, etc.
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  47. Pātañjala-Yogadarśana-bhāṣyam: Maharṣivyāsabhāṣyopetaṃ Maharṣidayānandavyākhyā-vibhuṣitaṃ, punah̤ saṃśodhitaṃ pariśiṣṭādiparivardhitañca.Rājavīra Śāstrī - 1996 - Dillī: Ārṣa Sāhitya Pracāra Ṭrasṭa. Edited by Patañjali.
    Commentary on Yogasūtra of Patañjali, based on other classical commentaries.
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  48.  6
    A history of philosophy in Australia.S. A. Grave - 1984 - Lawrence, Mass.: Distributed in the USA and Canada by Technical Impex.
  49.  38
    Challenge and Response. [REVIEW]S. C. A. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):373-374.
    This is a challenging and original work on the concept of justification and its application to ethical statements. The book divides into two parts. The first part is devoted to a systematic treatment of the nature of justification. It begins with a critical rejection of the deductive model. Wellman presents plausible arguments for the existence of non-deductive evidences in ethics and shows how ethical theories can be tested by "thought-experiment" as analogous to the confirmation of scientific theories by laboratory trials. (...)
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  50.  77
    The Student-Instructor Relationship's Effect on Academic Integrity.S. A. Stearns - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (3):275-285.
    In this study, I surveyed students' evaluative perceptions of instructor behavior and their possible influence on academic dishonesty. Slightly over 20% of 1,369 student respondents admitted to academic dishonesty in at least 1 class during 1 term at college. Students who admitted to acts of academic dishonesty had lower overall evaluations of instructor behavior than students who reported not committing academic dishonesty. Implications for student learning and the enhancement of academic integrity in the classroom are discussed.
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